So you are interested in property in Roatan? I don't blame you, I love it here.
Please take a few minutes to let me know what you are looking for so I can assist you better.
I moved from Canada to Honduras with my daughter in 2010 and have lived here full time ever since. During my time here, I have learned a thing or two and am always happy to share my experience with people who are considering a move here.Click the link below to schedule a complimentary, introductory call with me to get all of your questions answered and help you decide if this is for you or maybe not.Schedule Your CallThen click next to start your search.
Here's a link to Every Property on The MLS that is for sale under $250,000,2
It will always update so you can create an account for updates. I'd be happy to assist you on your journey. Click the link below to schedule a complimentary introduction call.Schedule Your Call
Here's a link to Every Property on The MLS that is for sale under $500,000,2
You can create your own account, change your criteria and have updates emailed to you automatically. If you'd rather me do the work and assist you on your journey, click the link below to schedule a complimentary introduction call.Schedule Your Call
Here's a link to Every Property on The MLS that is for sale between $350,000 and $700,000,2You can create your own account, change search criteria and have updates emailed to you automatically.
If you'd rather me do the work and assist you on your journey, click the link below to schedule a complimentary introduction call.Schedule Your CallPut me to work for you.
Here's a link to Every Property on The MLS that is for sale over $700,000,2You can create your own account to change your search criteria and have updates emailed to you automatically.
This link will allow you to search every listing for sale in Roatan Search The MLSYou can create your own account, change the search criteria and have updates emailed to you automatically.
If you'd rather me do the work and assist you on your journey, click the link below to schedule a complimentary introduction call.Schedule Your Call
We will need to narrow down your criteria a little more but for now here is a list of every piece of land for sale in Roatan.,2
You can create your own account, narrow down the search and have updates emailed to you automatically.
If you'd rather me do the work and assist you on your journey, click the link below to schedule a complimentary introduction call.Schedule Your CallPut me to work for you!
We will need to narrow down your criteria a little more but for now here is a list of every commercial property for sale in Roatan.,2
You can create your own account, change the criteria and have updates emailed to you automatically.
Frequently I hear about commercial opportunities that never get listed. If you'd rather me do the work and assist you on your journey, click the link below to schedule a complimentary introduction call.Schedule Your Call
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionaire. The more information I have the better equipped I am to serve you.If you haven't already done so Schedule a Call with me to get all of your questions answered and fine tune your search criteria.Schedule Your CallMichelle Breuer