Full Name
I agree to
terms & conditions
provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.
What type of cleaning business do you have?
Residential Cleaning Business
Commercial Cleaning Business
Other (Airbnb, Vacation Rental Cleaning etc.)
i don't have my cleaning business set up yet.
How long have you known Mike Mak?
Just found out about him
Less than 1 week
More than 1 week
More than 1 month
What is your current occupation and how long have you been doing it for?
When it comes to growing your cleaning business, what do you feel like you need help with the most right now, specifically? (Please be as detailed as possible)
What is your current annual income?
If you were to find a way to create 100-300k/yr in net income with an Automated Cleaning Business, would you be able to invest in getting the help necessary to get there?
Yes - I have the cash and/or credit to invest in myself.
Yes - I may or may not have the cashflow or capital but I am extremely resourceful and/or have access to available credit.
No - I am broke, maxed out month to month and have no access to capital or credit to invest in myself.