
Enter the parent/guardian information below:

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

In addition to your information, please provide emergency contact details below (optional).

Please note, if you are booking for more than 1 child and those children require different days, please contact the office directly after submitting this application.

For 4 or more children, please contact our team directly to book in your spaces.

Call our team on: 02894 339031 or email us at: [email protected]

When booking for children with different dates, please speak directly to our team to get booked in.

Call our team on: 02894 339031 or email us at: [email protected]

8am - 6pm (including breakfast club, morning and afternoon snack - £40

9am - 3pm (including morning snack) - £31

8am - 9am Breakfast Club - £5

Book 4 Full Days, Get 5th Day Free!

NB: The Summer Camps are closed for the week commencing the 14th July.

Please select a date for the following week by clicking Next

Once booking form is submitted, any dates required cannot be cancelled

We will endeavour to place your child(ren) at your chosen location, however this is subject to availability. We will confirm your booking and location as soon as possible.

Please click Submit below to complete your application.