What industry are you in?
Insurance Agent / Agency Owner
Financial Advisor
If Insurance agent “What’s your primary focus?
Not an Insurance Agent
ACA - Under 65 Health
Group Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Commercial P&C
Home & Auto
Annuities / Financial Products
What is your personal profit goal for 2025?
How much profit are you expecting to earn this year?
Explain your current Team Structure (i.e. one man show, me plus 1 admin, me plus 1 admin & 3 salespeople)
What is your primary method of growing your company?
Relying on referrals
Direct mail
Online marketing
Cold Calling
Door knocking
Community Events / Grassroots efforts
Referral Partners
On average how many new clients are you bringing on per month?
How many hours do you work each week, and how much of that is already scheduled versus available for new projects?
Where are you currently in your life and/or business? Please describe your current situation in a few sentences. Ex: building, scaling ready to retire…
What is your ultimate goal or destination? Where do you want to get to in your life or business?
What specific roadblocks or challenges are you facing right now?
Are these challenges related to your business, personal life, or both? Please explain.
Is personal motivation a factor in your challenges? If so, in what way?
Do you have any specific logistical or operational questions about your business or life that you'd like to see Josh address?
What else should we know about your challenges to better support you in making progress and achieving change?
In the event that Josh thinks he could help you grow your business faster or help you avoid mistakes along the path, would you be interested to hear about how he helps his private mastermind clients scale their businesses?
First Name
Last Name