Civil or mining career path quiz
Have you got any experience in the following? (Select all that apply)
Mining - machinery operations
Civil construction - machinery operations
Mining - utilities/trades/administration roles
Civil construction - trades/other
What is making you consider training with My Solution Training? (select all that apply)
I am already a machinery operator and I want to get more tickets for my civil career
I am already a mining machinery operator and I want to get more tickets for my mining career
I am a tradesperson and I want to get off the tools and onto machines
I have been considering FIFO and want to explore the options
It is my dream to drive the big trucks in the pits
I've heard I need a Standard 11 Induction and now I'm considering my options
I wanted to know more about mining jobs that aren't machinery
I am ready for my next big career move/change - I just don't know what it is yet
I want to get back into mining after being out of it for some time
I've just arrived from overseas and I want to get into Australian Mining Industry
Do any of the following apply to you?
I have a criminal history which could impact my job prospects
I use recreational drugs and wouldn't want to give them up
I have someone in the mining industry who may be able to get me a job
I am over 130kgs
I have strong beliefs about cultural/enviromental impacts of mining
I take medicinal cannabis or other substances which would prohibit me from operating machinery
I am willing to relocate anywhere in the country for the right job opportunity
I am an experienced operator and just need my RII's/extra tickets
None of the above - I am just seeking information at this stage
Which of the following most appeals to you? Select all that apply
Operating big machines on the machines
Doing FIFO work - I don't know what I want to do
Operating machines without working away from home
Making big money
Working remote
Having more quality time with the kids
Building something I can be proud of (for example, a road, a house)
Working as part of a team of people to finish a project
Learning new skills and techniques as a part of my job
Having career opportunities available to me to increase my income
Being able to work half the year on a 6 figure salary
Have you ever operated machinery before?
Do you want to operate machinery?
Which of these job descriptions sounds more appealling to you?
Driving a big dump truck
Topping up oils, diesel, etc on a mine site
Administrative work on a FIFO roster
Cleaning on a FIFO roster
Building/constructing roads
Driving trucks in and out of a mine site
Doing my current job on a FIFO roster
Are you comfortable working in remote locations or underground, possibly in extreme weather conditions?
Which of the following would you prefer?
Working in an office
Working in the city
Working in a machine
Working close to home
Would you rather
have a more predictable, urban-based work schedule
rotational schedule
Are you willing to take on a physically demanding job for higher pay?
It depends what I am doing
Which of the following would create a better work-life balance for you? (Select all that apply)
Being home every night for dinner
Having money and time to afford to do fun family things (theme parks, holidays, etc)
Putting the kids to bed every night
Getting the chores done while kids are at school, so I am mentally present for them when they get home
Working a job which isn't as mentally demanding
Working a job which is very mentally stimulating, making me relax when I'm home
Doing a job with an end result/product which I can show my friends & family
Working hard towards my financial goals
Working longer hours for more consecutive days off
SCENARIO: You have a special occassion coming up. It is very important to you that you can't miss this, however, you will be in the middle of a 7 day swing in remote QLD. How much does this affect you?
Very much - I prioritise special occassions and it's essential to me that I am able to be there for things like this
Not at all - I can make it up later. Nothing is more important than achieving my goals
Somewhat - I wouldn't want to miss too much in life but I would manage